I personally was one of those that really did not care if I had them or not! Although they look great and are a good catch, after purchasing them what will you do next? The Galaxy Foamposites are one of those sneakers that if you, like I have a sneaker showcase column in your house, then they would be a great conversation piece in your living room. See with a sneaker like the Galaxy foams, you have to showcase them and not wear them because once you put them on your feet and walk outside the value of the sneaker depreciates like buying a vehicle.
I to had the chance this week to join the festivities of an All Star release at Nike town for the All Star pack KD IV, Kobe, & LeBron 9’s. What sneakers was I going for? The KD IV’s honestly which I gave up only because I was under the weather and still just getting over my sickness. The cold rain and winds of last Friday morning made me step off the line and mind you I had been there for 3 hrs. already. My health is more important than anything so I had to pass up on getting the KD’s. Of that collection they were the only sneakers that I wanted of this glow in the dark pack. I am sure I will still obtain a pair of these somehow but for now I have taken a lost this weekend.
Not so much of a lost because I do have the Nike Dunk High QS All Star pack which is a nice set of sneakers. With each sneaker having its own illuminated removable Velcro swoosh and space flight logo on the tongue these Dunks are a nice catch for your collection.
niceeeeee shoesss!